Sedimentation produced by dredging can result in severe negative impacts on sensitive ecosystems.
Traditionally, onshore sedimentation levels are measured via a team of field personnel visiting the same wooden stakes on site and physically measuring the clean area on the stick to the nearest centimetre, whilst offshore sediment samples were taken with divers in PVC tubes. This approach involved high field exposure, environmental disturbance and provided low and inaccurate data capture – measurements were taken with a month lag, which did not allow for mitigation measures against the impacting process.
Advisians’ “Sedimentation Scanner” is exclusive technology to WorleyParsons which enables sediment to be measured on a daily basis from the office via a remote scanning device. The scanners can be set up either offshore (corals and seagrass) or onshore (mangroves) and are deployed half buried in the sediment at sensitive benthic primary producer sites.
By using the Scanners, sedimentation can be calculated to the minute if required, but daily calculation provides a proactive way to manage dredge related impacts. Data capture using this technology has been exceptional, providing the first insights into pneumatophores bed stress and mangroves physiological responses to sedimentation.
$25,000.00Add to cart
$25,000.00Add to cart